general purpose BLAST suite (BLASTP, BLASTN, BLASTX, TBLASTN, TBLASTX functionality) — the original gapped BLAST improved
most sensitive, fastest and flexible core BLAST engine — target your searches easier and get better results faster
consistent, robust behavior, even when performing multithreaded searches
faster, easier and robust database management — faster updates leave more time to analyze; robust error checking identifies problems sooner; flexible identifiers improve pipeline design and management
long-term consistent behavior—drop-in upgrades for over 15 years—avoids wholesale retraining of staff and retuning of analysis pipelines, reduces errors and saves time
up to twice as fast as NCBI BLAST, yet more sensitive and robust
faster than GPU-based solutions, with no special/expensive hardware requirements or usage restrictions
For more information about this uniquely powerful package, please see the README.html.
For complete licensing information, please go here.
The latest AB-BLAST release is dated [2020-03-17].
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